Objective To establish clean homozygote Neo r trangenic mouse strain. 目的建立清洁级NeoR转基因小鼠纯合子品系。
An analysis of the influence of normal anisotropy r and strain hardening exponent n on the drawability of sheet metals 厚向异性值r及应变硬化指数n对板料拉深成形性能的影响
The accurate expressions of strain tensors are established by S R theory and all the approximate expressions of strain tensors used before are its corollaries. 陈至达先生用其创立的S-R理论,建立了壳体有限变形、有限转动的准确几何方程,而以前常用的经典应变张量的近似表达式均为陈先生准确方程的近似。
The result shows that there is singularity of ln ( A/ r) for the strain field. 结果表明,应变场具有ln(A/r)的奇异性。
Study on the Reproduction Performance about R New Strain of White Rex 白色獭兔R新品系繁殖性能研究
The R plasmid curing experiment was performed in Shigella strain, F_ ( 13), which used as a target bacteria bearing R plasmid with Huangqin, a traditional chinese herb, as a elimination agent in vitro. 以携带R质粒的痢疾杆菌F(13)株为靶细菌,以黄芩甙作为R质粒消除剂,进行R质粒体外消除试验。
Determination and Analysis on the Fur Properties of the White Rex Rabbit R New Strain 白色獭兔R新品系毛皮性状测定与分析
Ratio R ε of minimum to maximum strain is-1.0. At the same strain amplitude, it is found from test that the TMF life of in-phase cycle with triangular wave shape is longer than that of in-phase cycle with trapezoidal wave shape. 试验结果表明:在相同应变幅下,同相位三角波载荷情况下的热/机械疲劳寿命比同相位梯形波载荷情况下的热/机械疲劳寿命长。
The relation between the output voltage of general Wheatstone bridge and real strain is nonlinear. The nonlinear error will be very serious if the variance ratio of resistance Δ R/ R is very large. It can strongly impact on the precision of strain measurement. 普通单臂电桥的输出电压与应变是非线性关系,在电阻变化率△R/R较大时,其非线性误差就会大大增加,严重影响到测量精度。
Founding and Identification of Homozygote NEO~ r Trangenic Mouse Strain 纯合子NEO~r转基因小鼠品系的建立及鉴定
The R plasmid curing experiment was performed in vitro with E. coli strain E. 102 bearing R plasmid as target bacteria and Coptis chinensis as elimination agent. 本研究以中药黄连的提取物为质粒消除剂,用携带R质粒的多重耐药性大肠杆菌E.102株为靶细菌,进行了体外R质粒消除作用的实验研究。
Based on the strain distribution characteristics during the forming, the effeets of r value and n value on the plate forming are analyzed. Onthe formed part based on plane strain and double drawing, the effect of n value is more important than that of r value. 根据零件成形应变分布特点,分析钢板r值、n值对其成形的影响,对于以平而应变和双拉为主的成形件n值的影响比r值重要。
The computational results show that there is r~ (-δ) singularity of stress and strain in crack tip fields. The whole crack tip field is controlled by visco-platic cone and there is no elastic unloading cone. 计算结果表明,裂纹尖端的应力和应变均具有r-δ的奇异性,整个裂纹尖端场是由黏塑性区控制,不存在弹性卸载区。
RNA genome of R 22 strain of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome ( HFRS) virus was detected in human vascular endothelial cells ( HVECs) with in situ hybridization using Dig labelled R 3 cDNA probe. 用地高辛配基(Dig-)标记我国肾综合征出血热(HFRS)病毒R22株M片段cDNAR3克隆探针,对HFRS病毒R22株感染的人血管内皮细胞(HECs)作核酸原位杂交。
Genome Sequence Analysis of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus R Strain 口蹄疫病毒R株基因组序列分析研究
Were evaluated in terms of developmental and reproductive characteristics by constructing life table of resistant strain ( R) and susceptible strain ( S); 对溴氰菊酯抗性品系(R)和敏感性品系(S)的一系列生长发育和繁殖特征,以种群数量趋势指数来确定各个品系的生物适合度;
Numerical results indicated that plane strain state ( approximately) was the main feature around the 3D crack front in the midsection of Mode I specimen, but the maximum values of stress triaxiality ( R σ) were found only in the vicinity of ligament. 结果表明:在试样中面附近围绕Ⅰ型裂纹前缘,应力状态均具有明显的平面应变特征,而应力三轴度(Rσ)仅在韧带附近为最大。
Analysis of the factors effecting on the potency of agro-antibiotics r ── 4 strain with multiple line regression 影响农抗R&4产生菌效价营养成分的多元线性回归分析
The regular shape of the R-phase is the comprehensive effect of strain energy and interface energy. R相形核于Ti(11)Ni(14)处,其规则外形是畸变能与界面能的综合效果。
The effects of monocrotophos resistance on fitness of cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera ( H ü bner), were evaluated in terms of developmental and reproductive characteristics by constructing life table of resistant strain ( LC R) and susceptible strain ( XJ S). 通过构建种群生命表,观察比较了棉铃虫[Helicoverpaarmigera(H櫣bner)]对久效磷抗性品系和敏感性品系的一系列生长发育和繁殖特征。
All of the chickens which inoculated with various generation vaccines could produce good immunity to against virulent MG R strain challenges for protecting air sac lesions. 免疫原性测定结果表明,用各代次疫苗接种鸡都能产生良好的免疫力,能有效地抵抗强毒R株的攻击,保护气囊不受损伤。
Cu2+ can inhibit Absidia sp. R strain from producing the hydrolase, the influence of other metal ions was not remarkable on it. 除Cu2+对该菌产酶有较强的抑制作用外,金属离子对产酶影响不大。
Two-dimensional electrophoresis ( 2D-PAGE) was carried out on hemolymph proteins in S strain and R strain of German cockroach and the differences were analyzed. 分别对德国小蠊S品系及R品系血淋巴蛋白进行双向电泳(2D-PAGE),并对电泳图谱进行差异分析。